"In Progress" Version of T/S BASIC Program

        1 LET X=16382
        2 LET Y=16381
        3 LET T=0
      40 LET Z=0
      45 IF Z>10 THEN GOTO 90 ……..………………………………counter for 10 cycles
      50 POKE X, 16 ………………. …………………………………..covered bridge by-pass  (auto will stop under bridge)
      54 LET B= PEEK Y
      55 IF INT (B/128) <> INT ((B/128) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 60    ……..checks O27 track input near mansion
      56 GOTO 54
      60 PAUSE 20
      62 POKE X, 0  ………………………………………………………..releases auto under bridge (from POKE X, 16, line 50)
      63 PAUSE 300                                                                                  (causes auto and train to reach crossing simultaneously)
      64 LET Z=Z+1  …………………………………………………………counter Z
      69 GOTO 45
      90 LET B=PEEK Y
    100 IF INT (B/2) <> INT ((B/2) + 0.5) THEN GOTO  200  ……………checks input near telltale
    110 GOTO 90
    200 POKE X, 1  …………………………………………………………breaks O27 track voltage
    201 LET C=0
    210 PAUSE 40
    220 POKE X, 0  ………………………………………………………….puts train in neutral
    230 PAUSE 40
    235 POKE X, 4   …………………………………………………………..O27 track switch set for train to back into station
    236 PAUSE 10
    237 POKE X, 0   ……………………………………………………………stops relay for O27 track switch
    238 PAUSE 40
    240 POKE X, 1   ……………………………………………………………..breaks O27 track voltage
    250 PAUSE 40
    260 POKE X, 0   …………………………………………………………….train should now be in reverse
    300 LET B=PEEK Y
    301 IF INT (B/4) <> INT ((B/4) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 315  ………………check input behind station
    302 LET C=C+1
    303 IF C>=75 THEN GOTO 6000 …………………..if counter reaches 75, then reversing unit in train malfunctioned
    305 GOTO 300                                                                                                 then it goes to line 6000
    315 POKE X, 1  ……………………………………………………………O27 track voltage broken
    320 PAUSE 40
    330 POKE X, 10  ……………………………………………….boom box for station sound effects, R/R by-pass, and
    340 PAUSE 40                                                                              American Flyer set in motion.  O27 train in neutral
    341 POKE X, 8 …………………………………………………….just boom box and R/R by-pass
    342 PAUSE 6000
    343 POKE X, 10  …………………………………………………..boom box, R/R by-pass, and Flyer
    344 PAUSE 200
    345 POKE X, 8   …………………………………………………….just boom box and R/R by-pass
    350 IF PEEK Y>127 THEN GOTO 500  ……………………………check input behind snow area
    355 GOTO  350
    500 POKE X, 136 …………………………………………bridge by-pass and Snoopy rink
    510 PAUSE 2000
    520 POKE X, 128  ………………………………………….bridge by-pass
    530 PAUSE 300
    540 POKE X, 139 …………………………bridge by-pass, and toboggan  (128+8+2+1)  (2 is for voltage booster to toboggan)
    541 PAUSE 60
    542 POKE X, 137  ………………………………………………….128+8+1 same as above, no booster
    550 PAUSE 1800
    551 POKE X, 128+2 ………………………………….bridge by-pass and booster so animation has full power on stopping
    552 PAUSE 400
    560 POKE X, 20  …………………………………….16+4 Snoopy theme music on (separate relay)
    570 PAUSE 40
 1020 POKE X, 133  ………………………………….128+4+1 reverse mine track polarity, mine switch set to straight
 1060 LET B=PEEK Y
 1080 IF INT (B/8) <> INT ((B/8) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 1120  …….checks input behind mine track switch
 1100 GOTO 1060
 1120 PAUSE 20
 1121 POKE X, 130   ………………………………………..mine track voltage off, mine track switch set to turn
 1140 PAUSE 650    …………………………………………….waiting for switch motor to finish
 1160 POKE X, 128   …………………………………….mine track polarity set to forward (default)
 1180 PAUSE 100
 1220 LET B=PEEK Y
 1240 IF INT (B/8) <> INT ((B/8) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 1280 ………..checking  input behind mine switch
 1260 GOTO 1220
 1280 LET T=T+1  ……………………………………..counter to cycle mine and elevator
 1290 PAUSE 50
 1300 IF T>=2 THEN GOTO 134  ……………………will break loop
 1310 PAUSE 40
 1320 GOTO 1220
 1340 PAUSE 60
 1360 POKE X, 132   ……………………………………mine track switch set to straight
 1380 LET B=PEEK Y
 1400 IF INT (B/8) <> INT ((B/8) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 1440 ………checks input to see if handcar has passed
 1420 GOTO 1380
 1440 PAUSE 1000
 1500 POKE X, 96   …………………………………………….handcar now in tunnel,  skateboard track on (64+32)
 1510 PAUSE 2000
 2000 POKE X, 192 ………………………………………Snoopy theme music off (separate relay)
 2010 PAUSE 40
 2060 POKE X, 64+16 …………………………………….R/R bypass and Elephant animation, Kangaroo and Crocodile
 2070 PAUSE 2000
 2080 POKE, 32+16 …………………………………………..R/R by-pass and Marx Twin train on
 2090 PAUSE 3000
 2091 POKE X, 8  …………………………………………..Boom box and R/R by-pass
 2092 PAUSE 1000
 3999 LET Z=0
 5999 GOTO 6005
 6000 POKE X, 1 …………………………………………O27 track voltage off
 6001 PAUSE 40
 6002 POKE X, 0 …………………………………………all I/O relays off (default), train moving forword
 6004 GOTO 90
 7010 IF PEEK Y>127 THEN GOTO 7040………………….waiting for Snoopy in WV to reach snow area
 7020 GOTO 7010
 7040 IF PEEK Y<128 THEN GOTO 7055 ………………….checks that Snoopy has left area
 7050 GOTO 7040
 7055 POKE X, 16  ……………………………………covered by-pass on
 7060 LET B=PEEK Y
 7070 IF INT (B/64) <> INT ((B/64) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 6000 ……………checks input near covered bridge
 7080 GOTO 7060
 8000 POKE X, 128+16 ……………………………………………………Japanese track switch set to curved
 8010 PAUSE 10
 8020 POKE X, 128+32 ………………………………………siding B now has O27 voltage, second train now in motion
 8025 LET B=PEEK Y
 8030 IF INT (B/32) <> INT ((B/32) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 8050 ……..checks to see if train has left siding
 8040 GOTO 8025
 8050 POKE X, 128+32+16+2 ………………………Japanese switch set to straight (16+2)
 8060 PAUSE 10
 8065 POKE X, 128+32  …………………………..keeps 32 (siding B) and bridge by-pass on
 8070 FOR J=1 TO 4  …………………………………….loop to blow whistle
 8071 LET B=PEEK Y
 8072 IF INT (B/128) <> INT ((B/128) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 8074 check to see if train is at highest point near mansion
 8073 GOTO 8071
 8074 PAUSE 400
 8075 FOR I=1 TO 4
 8076 POKE X, 128+32+64    ……………………………….blows whistle (64)
 8077 PAUSE 40
 8078 POKE X 128+32 ……………………………………….stops blowing whistle
 8079 PAUSE 80
 8080 NEXT I
 8081 NEXT J
 8084 PAUSE 2000
 8085 LET B=PEEK Y
 8090 IF INT (B/32) <> INT ((B/32) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 8110  ………..checks to see if train has passed input near gas station
 8100 GOTO 8085
 8110 POKE X, 1+16 ………………………O27 voltage off
 8120 PAUSE 40
 8130 POKE X, 128+32+16……………………….Japanese switch set to curve
 8132 PAUSE 10
 8135 POKE X, 128+32 …………………………….switch relay off, O27 track voltage back on, train in neutral
 8140 PAUSE 40
 8150 POKE X, 1+16 ………………………………O27 voltage off
 8155 PAUSE 40
 8160 POKE X, 128+32  ……………………………train now in reverse
 8165 LET B=PEEK Y
 8170 IF INT (B/16) <> INT ((B/16) + 0.5) THEN GOTO 8190 …….waits for train to reach end of siding, input at end of siding
 8180 GOTO 8165
 8190 POKE X, 17  ……………………………….…O27 voltage off
 8200 PAUSE 40
 8210 POKE X, 128+32+16+2  …………………… Japanese switch set to straight
 8220 PAUSE 10
 8221 POKE X, 1 ………………………………all relays off except 1, O27 voltage still off
 8222 PAUSE 40
 8230 POKE X, 0 …………………………………all relays off, O27 voltage on
 8240 PAUSE 40
 8250 POKE X, 1………………………………….cycles reversing unit in train if necessary
 8260 PAUSE 40
 8270 POKE X, 0 ………………………………..passenger train at station should be in forward
 9000 GOTO 1

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